Writing In the Aftermath of Divorce

Rebecca Woolf and Mindy Walder Laks

Writing In the Aftermath of Divorce

Divorce is one of the most challenging of life’s transitions to navigate, even if we choose it. It’s filled with compounded grief, and requires that we adjust our lives, and those of our children, to a new normal that likely didn’t unfold as expected – both for better and for worse.  Divorce can isolate us within our communities and within our families. It can also rob us of an identity that we’d grown accustomed to and demands that we reacquaint with life and ourselves differently; as a single parent, a stepmom or dad, or as a person betrayed or having betrayed. Regardless of what brought you here, divorce also carries the potential to be one life’s most rewarding choices, especially having made it in the face of a marriage you did not love or that did not love you. Join counseling psychologist Mindy Walder Laks and author Rebecca Woolf in creating a supportive community for divorced people who would like to make sense of – and space for – the complexity of their experiences through writing. We are offering a 4-week online program because writing our experiences has the potential to startle us, and to gain unexpected discoveries when given the time, structure, and support to do so. This workshop is designed to normalize divorce, to strip it of outmoded and oppressive paradigms that do not serve. It’s designed to champion you through writing and talking openly about things we often keep hidden in the dark, to “hang out” with fear, and to give yourself permission to dwell in the unknown, the place where the most profound changes can happen.

Writing in The Aftermath of Divorce

New dates coming soon. Email us at info@mindywaldercoaching.com if you have any questions.

11:00 am – 12:30pm  PST
Course Fee: $425

We are offering a one-on-one hour long coaching/counseling or writing session for an additional fee of $125

 Workshop includes:

  • Four 90-minute sessions with Mindy & Rebecca, wherein each shares their own expertise and experiences
  • A confidential virtual space in which to bond and build community
  • Self-reflective writing exercises and discussions in class
  • Prompts for at-home work
  • Recordings of each session
  • Gaining emotional clarity and confidence in both self-worth & sense of belonging

Who is this workshop for?

  • Anyone who is divorced and wants to explore through writing their story/experiences within a supportive community.
  • Anyone who feels isolated in the aftermath of divorce.

To register for this workshop please pay via the paypal button below.


To pay for a private session please click the paypal button below.